Having a newborn while living in the home of your in-laws may make things more difficult for a newlywed couple, particularly when they are just starting out. Rain, who is 19 years old, is in this predicament, since she often has disagreements with her mother-in-law on the rules of the home. Rain is experiencing a great deal of hardship, and the situation took a turn for the worse when she made the decision to speak out. She contacted us in order to seek our guidance.
To Rain, I am We appreciate you sharing your story with us. The following are some suggestions that we feel may be of use to you.

Put together a moment when you and your spouse can have a quiet and private conversation. Take the time to express how profoundly affected you were by the behavior of both him and his mother. You should include concrete instances, such as the manner in which your items were packed without your permission.
It is essential to stress the significance of maintaining unity as a couple, particularly when they are in the presence of their family, and to have a conversation about the limits that must be maintained by all parties involved.

You may want to think about bringing in a third party who is impartial, such a counselor or a mediator. The presence of this someone may be of assistance in facilitating a discussion that is productive between you, your husband, and perhaps your mother-in-law.

Through the use of mediation, a structured atmosphere can be created in which all parties’ concerns are addressed and solutions may be provided with the assistance of a skilled expert.
Examine the many options for short-term accommodation.