A Beautiful Surprise

A Mother’s Journey: The Unforgettable Story of Raising a Daughter with Treacher Collins Syndrome

Little Bella’s arrival on October 25, 2018, brought immeasurable joy and unexpected twists to the lives of Eliza Bahneman and her husband. Bella came into the world a few weeks earlier than expected, and with her came a rare genetic condition known as Treacher Collins Syndrome. Today, we invite you to join Eliza on her heartfelt journey of raising her extraordinary daughter.

“We’re going to have a baby!” Those words fill any parent’s heart with joy and excitement. Eliza and her husband experienced nine months of emotions, from the thrill of anticipation to the occasional worry. Luckily, Eliza had the support of her sister, sister-in-law, and friends who were also expecting. Having someone to share the ups and downs with made all the difference.

Throughout the pregnancy, Eliza learned that life sometimes throws unexpected curveballs. Despite being considered high risk due to a misdiagnosed heart-shaped uterus, the prenatal tests indicated everything was normal.

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