Man Finds Snake in Bag of Broccoli: A Shocking Encounter

A routine trip to the supermarket turned into a terrifying experience for Neville Linton, a 63-year-old man from Stourbridge, England. Little did he know, a surprise awaited him when he discovered a snake hiding in a bag of broccoli he had purchased from Aldi.

Even though Neville had unknowingly stored the bag in his fridge, it wasn’t until days later when he went to prepare a meal that he came face to face with the unexpected guest.

Overwhelmed by his fear of snakes, he immediately called his sister for help. Together, they safely stored the snake in a container before returning to the Aldi store to inform them about the incident.

The local zoo specialists later identified the snake as a young ladder snake. However, herpetologist Dr. Steven J R Allain disagrees with this identification.

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